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  (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?

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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 19:50

© crédit

Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all, but lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall. Lend me your eyes I can change what you see, but your soul you must keep totally free. ▲ M&S

NOM(S) - Fawkes. PRÉNOM(S) - Hazel Basile. AGE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE - écrire ici. NATIONALITÉ - écrire ici. STATUT CIVIL - célibataire. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE - Hétérosexuelle. MÉTIER - écrire ici.  GROUPE - écrire ici. AVATAR - Sky Ferreira.

Le chant de l'âme

caractère 15 lignes minimum, raconte nous ce que tu veux, avec les mots que tu veux, le style et le temps que tu souhaites. chante nous son caractère, si tu le souhaites, mais raconte nous tout, pour qu'on l'ait dans la peau à jamais

Sous l'océan

PSEUDO - Grey WIND. PRÉNOM - What a Face . ÂGE - 19 ans . T'AS CONNU LE FORUM OÙ - C'est mon puppy d'amour qui m'a prise par la main et m'a montré le chemin  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2063956044 COMMENTAIRE(S) - J'adore le desig  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 3886601584 . POISSON PRÉFÉRÉ - Question piège ?  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 684342796 . CODE AVATAR -
<pris>Sky Ferreira</pris> <ppn>♒️ Hazel Fawkes</ppn>

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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 19:50

© crédit.

Le murmure de ta vie
petite citation ou grande d'ailleurs, on vous discriminera pas en fonction de la taille ▲ auteur

histoire 20 lignes minimum, raconte nous ce que tu veux, avec les mots que tu veux, le style et le temps que tu souhaites. chante nous son histoire, si tu le souhaites, mais raconte nous tout, pour qu'on l'ait dans la peau à jamais

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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 19:51

    JE. TE. BOUFFE. TOUTE. CRUE.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 714325256 
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 19:53

Kane Raemie a écrit:

    JE. TE. BOUFFE. TOUTE. CRUE.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 714325256 

CELA A LE MÉRITE D’ÊTRE CLAIR  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1845024407 
Bienvenuuuuuue  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1095412912 
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 19:54

Bienvenue. I love you
Sky est un canon, excellent choix.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1390553708 
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 19:55

    Ted Burn a écrit:
    Kane Raemie a écrit:

      JE. TE. BOUFFE. TOUTE. CRUE.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 714325256 

    CELA A LE MÉRITE D’ÊTRE CLAIR  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1845024407
    c'est mon bébé d'amûr, j'ai le droit.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2775533418 
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 19:57

Je n'ai pas dit le contraire bichon.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1390553708 
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 20:01

Bienvenue, tu es belle, et ton prénom aussi I love you
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Dali Lazarre
Dali Lazarre

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Tumblr_inline_n0qmzhzCFO1s3jv8i
♒ messages : 345
♒ Age : 31

Feuille de personnage
♒ âge: vingt-trois
♒ profession : classeuse de morts (réceptionniste aux columbarium )
♒ le choix du coeur: brisé. jeté. fracassé.

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 20:05

genre hétéro, ça va changer  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 714325256
bienvenue I love you
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 20:06

(J'ai hésité avec bonne, mais il parait que ce n'est pas élégant. Je suis un gentleman.)
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 20:16

    quand je te disais qu'ils étaient trop tordants.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1015892097 
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Noe Pandore
Noe Pandore

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Tumblr_mu18bqaJBJ1rz45gmo1_500
♒ messages : 77

Feuille de personnage
♒ âge: dix-neuf ans.
♒ profession : allégorie océanique.
♒ le choix du coeur: l'Océan

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 21:01

hazel, c'est un beau prénom. et sky, elle est dingue, ses yeux, son attitude, sa musique, tout est dingue chez elle.
bienvenue ici ! I love you 
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMer 28 Aoû - 4:57

Rey Westwood a écrit:
(J'ai hésité avec bonne, mais il parait que ce n'est pas élégant. Je suis un gentleman.)
T BAUNE MADEMOIZELLE. :wolf:  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1467249500  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1467249500  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1467249500 
Bienvenue hihi.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2656410340 I love you 
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Elsie Lattimer
Elsie Lattimer

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Tumblr_m2sqwiwhG81qicobao1_r1_500
♒ messages : 385

Feuille de personnage
♒ âge: 18 ans
♒ profession : serveuse dans un bar
♒ le choix du coeur: le coeur ne choisit rien

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMer 28 Aoû - 7:18

(a première vue on dirait pas, mais je t'assure qu'on a des belles plumes sur ce forum  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 621579218 )
Bienvenue, les autres ont tout dit, je plussoie Noe tout particulièrement  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 684342796
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMer 28 Aoû - 11:51

Kane Raemie a écrit:

    JE. TE. BOUFFE. TOUTE. CRUE.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 714325256 

Laisses en donc un peu pour le goûter.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 3436159228  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 3436159228 

Ted Burn a écrit:
Kane Raemie a écrit:

    JE. TE. BOUFFE. TOUTE. CRUE.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 714325256 

CELA A LE MÉRITE D’ÊTRE CLAIR  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1845024407 
Bienvenuuuuuue  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1095412912 
T'as vu ça  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 3886601584 
Meeeerci.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1390553708 

Julia-May Johnson a écrit:
Bienvenue. I love you
Sky est un canon, excellent choix.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1390553708 
MERCI.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2416960414  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2416960414 
Soit dit en passant, la petite Olsen est parfaite.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2063956044 

Kane Raemie a écrit:

    Ted Burn a écrit:
    Kane Raemie a écrit:

      JE. TE. BOUFFE. TOUTE. CRUE.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 714325256 

    CELA A LE MÉRITE D’ÊTRE CLAIR  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1845024407
    c'est mon bébé d'amûr, j'ai le droit.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2775533418 

Beh moi aussi j'ai le droit d'avoir un bout  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 4268646524 

Rey Westwood a écrit:
Bienvenue, tu es belle, et ton prénom aussi I love you
Meeerci.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2416960414  J'avais d'ailleurs hésité avec Rae mais en te voyant en ligne je me suis dit que ça risquait d'être un peu trop proche de ton pseudo. What a Face 

Dali Lazarre a écrit:
genre hétéro, ça va changer  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 714325256
bienvenue I love you
TU PEUX TOUJOURS TENTER.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1001894684  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1001894684  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1001894684  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1001894684 

Noe Pandore a écrit:
hazel, c'est un beau prénom. et sky, elle est dingue, ses yeux, son attitude, sa musique, tout est dingue chez elle.
bienvenue ici ! I love you 
Je l'adore tellement  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2416960414  MERCI !  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 3725391601 

Cornelius Wood a écrit:
Rey Westwood a écrit:
(J'ai hésité avec bonne, mais il parait que ce n'est pas élégant. Je suis un gentleman.)
T BAUNE MADEMOIZELLE. :wolf:  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1467249500  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1467249500  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1467249500 
Bienvenue hihi.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2656410340 I love you 
ET TOI TA BARBE ELLE EST CARRÉMENT SEKSOUEL.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 3436159228 
Merci !  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1001894684 

Elsie Lattimer a écrit:
(a première vue on dirait pas, mais je t'assure qu'on a des belles plumes sur ce forum  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 621579218)
Bienvenue, les autres ont tout dit, je plussoie Noe tout particulièrement  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 684342796
Oh mais je n'en doute absolument pas, ça a même tendance à m'intimider un peu.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2416960414 

Merci pour cet accueil vous êtes mignooooons.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2416960414  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2416960414  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2416960414
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeMer 28 Aoû - 12:00

sky.  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 684342796 I love you
bienvenue jolie !  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2538279950 
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 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeSam 31 Aoû - 5:11

hazel, ce prénom de fous et puis sky, elle est tellement parfaite c'est fille.
bienvenue sur perfide. I love you
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Cerbère du Maurier
Cerbère du Maurier

alors, ô ma beauté! dites à la vermine qui vous mangera de baisers, que j'ai gardé la forme et l'essence divine de mes amours décomposés !

♒ messages : 331
♒ Age : 28

Feuille de personnage
♒ âge: on ne le sait pas réellement, certains lui donne la trentaine et d'autres à peine vingt ans.
♒ profession : fossoyeur, croque-mort, gardien du cimetière, fournisseur de poison, de corde aux noeuds coulants et tout autre objets contondants pour vous faire rejoindre les morts.
♒ le choix du coeur: enterré quelque part sous une tombe sûrement

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeSam 31 Aoû - 5:41

j'toucherais bien un petit bout de ciel moi  (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 1467249500 (jeu de mots de merde spotted)
sinon bienvenue ma jolie, hâte de voir ce que tu vas écrire
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Edwin Earl
Edwin Earl

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? 2404592-4558958316-tumbl
♒ messages : 94

Feuille de personnage
♒ âge: vingt-deux
♒ profession : geek
♒ le choix du coeur: MJ j'te hais.

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitimeVen 6 Sep - 8:02

tu te perds

dix jours. dix jours que tu te perds, là, en pleine mer. le navire prend l'eau ; le vois-tu ? tu coules, lentement, surement. tu coules, et personne n'est là. un appel à l'aide, un seul, un unique, et tout ira bien. en cas d'absence de message, de signal à l'aide, de signe de vie au creux de cette mer, ton navire sombrera complètement, littéralement. réfléchis bien, et vite. le temps file, l'eau s'infiltre.

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Contenu sponsorisé

 (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?    (Hazel)  ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way? Icon_minitime

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(Hazel) ♣ Is the autumn cruel for letting flowers die, or is that just nature's way?

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